Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.” – Benjamin Franklin (The Autobiography)
Happy New Year!
No single day of the year seems to possess the same degree of promise, and hopeful aspirations, as does New Year’s Day. No matter how many of the previous year’s resolutions we have broken, or entirely forgot about, this year will always be different, right? How do we know that? Because we only made these new resolutions five minutes ago,…..
A voice seemed to cry within me, ‘This is He, He without whom there is no life. To know God and to live are one. God is life.’
Live to seek God, and life will not be without God. And stronger than ever rose up life within and around me, and the light that then shone never left me again.” – Leo Tolstoy, My Confession (1882)
Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy (1828-1910) was the only writer who could get Ernest Hemingway to…..